I have published quite a radio among my friends and brothers in community.
I listen every day.
Here in Brazil, the Catholic music is very good. There are many web radios. By the way, you could meet and play Brazilian Catholic music. I believe you will like it too.
God be with you.
I’m the author of Retroshock, a Christian Sci-fi novel.
Check out my 2 minute book trailer. Hot off the press!!
Everyone says this book should be a film.
Thanks, Dave, for providing your link to Retroshock Trailer. Interesting story concept. I hope you garner interest. Jesus needs to be relevant for all time and purposes.
Hi. I’m from Costa Rica and I want to thank you because you let enjoy the mercy and glory from God thru your webpage.
I have just a question, if you are a Catholic radio, why are you playing music from not Catholics singers or groups?????
Thank you for your comments and I’m glad you enjoy the station. We play almost exclusively Catholic artists, who did you hear that was not? We do occasionally play some other Christian songs that still have a solid message, but we do try and keep to our Catholic roots. If there’s any suggestions for other artists please let us know. Thank you and God Bless! Rob
Hi i have written a song with my own (Ave Maria Blessed Blessed are you) you have heard that song (Mary did you know) this is a Catholic version. I want to share. it’s on you tube i am going to extended it soon please Share. Thank you composer Jeronimo Casas aka Jerry
Hi Richard.
I am writing from Brazil. I represent a Catholic radio station, with more than 1500 repeaters all over the country. I need to talk to you about using your play list in our network.
Best regards.
Hi there! I’m Mayela from Campeche, México and I’m so glad yo hace Godínez CME
I would love to be abel to get the lyrics of each and every song.
God bless all of you and your Work
Richard, Even though I am a daily mass Catholic I balance my love for Christ in the Catholic Church and at XM radio where I programmed a very eclectic channel called “Fine Tuning” and played many Catholic songs and artists (Natalie MacMaster, Cheiftains and others sublimiley. Now with CME I balance my life with 30 years of experience but now with Multiple Sclerosis I cannot do much but will remember, worship and know He is with all of us. All we need to do is Love and Believer. Thank you CME. I am here now for you and I do have ideas and philosophies. God is Good.
Ben (XM 2001-2009)
Rick here, an avid listener from your days at XM. I’m the one who asked you to find a studio version of Renaissance as your version had Annie Haslam’s voice breaking. Periodically I do a search for you hoping to find you have created a similar internet station to Fine Tuning. Pandora does an OK job but rarely adds new music. May you find the strength to fight MS.
Hi I’m Mayela from Mexico. I love your station and would like to know where can I find the lyrics of the music you play and also buy it. Thank you and may God bless you all and your work
Hello! I want to thank Rob Ayoub for taking over the Catholic Music Express and CME Radio – I’m glad he is taking it and helping it evolve into something that is helpful to the listeners and the artists. May God bless you and your ministries!
Love the new look! The concept and the Radio station! Thanks for your service!!
So grateful to have found CRE a few months ago!! I listen all day at work, at a Catholic Church.
Will you be returning to listing of the “Just Played” Artist/Song? That is a great method for identifying new artists and unfamiliar song titles.
Hi Lynn! Thanks so much for the comments and glad to hear that you’re listening. Yes, I will be adding the playlist and “Just played” portions back shortly. I’m also working to get iTunes links set up as well so that listeners can purchase tracks that they hear. Stay tuned!
Great question Richard, soon as this page and others get fleshed out – I’ll make sure its more clear.
We have a web address music@catholicmusicexpress.com which is set aside for artists to send us music. I also have a plan to add a music submission page where artists can submit not just their album, but the link to purchase as well.
While we certainly want to promote artists who have music for sale on CDBaby or iTunes its not a requirement. We encourage artists to submit music that they want to share with the world – that being said we do listen for polished recordings.
I’ve been busy with other things for a few years, but back now doing new Celtic Roots Radio podcast shows. Haven’t updated the station yet, but hope to very soon.
Hi Raymond! Great to hear that you are back doing Celtic Roots. Please send a link over to music@catholicmusicexpress. I’d like to start following again!
Hi Steven! Please send music links to music@catholicmusicexpress.com! I’m working on building a page to help automate submissions, but that should work for now!
WOOO HOOO I FOUND THIS STATION!! I was beginning to wonder if the only contempory Christian music available was Protestant..I am so glad this is available.. This is on my favorites at home and soon to be on my favorite list at work…Thanks for streaming…
I am a Catholic singer/songwriter/producer based in South Carolina and work with blues/roots/gospel artists here; would love to send you a compilation of faith-based/Catholic-based songs that I’ve written and recorded with some of them. Do you prefer mp3s (need email address then) or hard-copy CD (USPS address pls)? Thank you.
Sorry folks – looks like the station went off the air. We are checking with the server host to find out what the problem is, and will get back online as soon as we can. Sorry for the inconvenience!
By the way, if you like sacred classical music, I have a new full-time station online now, the Classical Cafe for Christ. I used to host a podcast a few years back by the same name.
I apologize for that last song from Cardiac Move called “We Are”. I mistook this band for a Catholic band by the same name. The song had profanity in it. I deleted the song from the library, and you won’t have to hear it again. My apologies!
I have written some music also but I don’t have a band or a music writer to help with arrangements. That’s ok, if it’s God’s will He’ll make it happen! Thank you so much for putting this media together to give people a chance to express their love and faith by their God given talents.
Be assured of my prayers
Sr. Mary Katherine, Carmelite Sisters DCJ
Thank you so much for your comments. There are many people on this site that I believe would be happy to help you with your arrangements. We’re working on building out a new section to allow for collaboration as many people have expressed a need for help. I’ll be in touch soon. Thank you for your prayers!
I don’t know if you saw it, but our very own Cherrie Anderson and Hal St. John of “Ooberfuse” were featured on Fox News’ website for their new video, “We Are One”, focusing on the crisis with ISIS.
Thanks again for playing a couple of my songs from my album, Be Not Afraid, on this station. Has there been any movement on putting up links for buying music from the artists on CME radio?
I’m so excited to have found you today. I’ve been looking for a Catholic station for awhile. I shared a link to you on my facebook page. Thank you and May God bless and keep you going.
New Listener as of this afternoon. Born March 12th, 1951 in Norwalk, Ohio. Am a Widower for over eight (8) years. I do not drive. With the exceptions of GOD, and my twelve (12) year old, female, Bassett Hound Sadie, I have NO Friends.
Hi LOVE the station! Finally…
Just wondering if you may have an App?
Thank you & all the Blessings of Our Lord continue for each of you & your families
Alicia Viteka
I have been listening on and off. I really appreciate this website. I’ve promoted it in my parish bulletin and know some people have been listening in from Canada. I was reading the posts in case my question was already answered. I see that you are doing your best to have only Catholic artists. Is Newsboys a Catholic band? I do love their songs as I do have some of their albums.
I really like Newsboys as well and saw them in concert years ago. I don’t know that they are Catholic, but our philosophy is to play Independent Catholic artists who are not signed. That does not mean we don’t ever play “mainstream” artists, but we try to limit it. I’ll check further.
We are in the process at looking at a new service for CME Radio. I’ve been testing it, and it is looking good – we can do more with it. I know the player on here right now is not showing music. I’m hoping that the new service and the new player will be a great improvement. I am continuing to add new music as I can.
Hey nice post. I hope it’s alright that I shared it on my
Twitter, if not, no issues just let me know and I’ll
remove it. Regardless keep up the great work.
The new player is online now! We are continuing to refine it and will continue to add more music to the playlist. This new service allows us to have a larger library of music to play for you. God bless, and enjoy!
We wish to honor the life and memory of our friend and fellow musician Christian Leonard who passed away in his sleep on July 7, 2017. Christian was part of “the Vigil Project”, whose music can be heard here on CME Radio.
Christian joined The Vigil Project playing drums and percussion for Series #2. While we feel the sorrow of this loss, we ask that you join us in hopeful prayers for Christian and his family.
“Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon him.”
Not sure if you remember me, I was pretty active with CMA almost 10 years ago now…. glad to see youre still online. I have lots of new music! Let me know how I can get my music heard and how I connect!
Found the station on TuneIn radio when I needed to hear the true music of a heart in need. Thanks at 1:00 am I was tired and needed the love. God bless you in your efforts. May you continue to blossom and prosper.
I googled Best Catholic Music Station and found CME in February. You all play great Christian music that no one I know has heard of. My Facebook friends keep asking where I’m finding all these great songs I’m sharing from YouTube. Thanks CME!
i’m a catholic from L.A.
I just finished a full length musical based on the book of esther.
i’d love to get one of the songs out there for people to hear.
my website is landofthelivingsongs.com
I found this station a couple of days ago and I am totally loving it. Thank you so much for supporting Catholic artists! For a long time, I longed to find a site that would consolidate and promote contemporary Catholic music of quality for everyday listening. God bless you and your mission!
Hie enjoying your station.I am Catholic and a member of the English Choir from the St Theresa Cathedral found in the Gweru Diocese,in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe Africa.I am Studying Honors in Music ,Business and Musicology and Technology music at the Midlands State University of Zimbabwe.I was doing my research then i bumped into your station.We still use the old hymns for
the English Mass celebration but we have remixed some hymns or we have added African instruments like Marimba ,Mbira,hosho,ngoma fused with the bass and acoustic guitars,keyboard/organ and kick drums.This has really livened up the Mass celebration on Sundays.Catholic foreigners who visit the Antelope Park or relatives of the S.M.B Priests who brought the gospel to our Fathers who have since retired from active duty and are staying at Driefontein Mission really feel that different touch when Glorifying the Lord.Is there a plan we can make ?
Greetings to you,
I would submit my new song called OH HAIL MARY, for promotional purposes. I believe the song will touch the hearts of many people across the globe through your support.
I am Cleophas Wanyama a.k.a. Cleo Rhythm, a Gospel recording artist from Kenya. Below is the Youtube link of the video of the song. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6xkyOCYk24
Ironic, or something. I was listening to Divine Office.org and doing morning prayers when the thought of Catholic Music entered my mind. Searched and found CME. Normally I listen to all classics and this is a good change of pace. Thanks
Hi-I’m a self produced Catholic songwriter and I’m shopping around a song I wrote -CHRISTMAS NIGHTS-to get some airplay.
can I send a cd?
Or-if you don’t do that , can you recommend stations that would?
Hi Guy – sorry for the delay. I answered another comment – but feel free to send to music@catholicmusicexpress.com. We will be changing over to Advent and Christmas music soon!
Hy, I’m brazilian and I found the radio a few days ago.
I’m always listening. God bless you.
Thanks for listening, Silvio. Spread the word. And let us know how we can improve this web site.
I have published quite a radio among my friends and brothers in community.
I listen every day.
Here in Brazil, the Catholic music is very good. There are many web radios. By the way, you could meet and play Brazilian Catholic music. I believe you will like it too.
God be with you.
I’m the author of Retroshock, a Christian Sci-fi novel.
Check out my 2 minute book trailer. Hot off the press!!
Everyone says this book should be a film.
Watch Retroshock trailer
If you would see this film,
Please share this video.
With 1 million hits, I can get the investors to make this movie.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Only 999,807 hits to go.
Thanks, Dave, for providing your link to Retroshock Trailer. Interesting story concept. I hope you garner interest. Jesus needs to be relevant for all time and purposes.
Hi. I’m from Costa Rica and I want to thank you because you let enjoy the mercy and glory from God thru your webpage.
I have just a question, if you are a Catholic radio, why are you playing music from not Catholics singers or groups?????
Hi Juan,
Thank you for your comments and I’m glad you enjoy the station. We play almost exclusively Catholic artists, who did you hear that was not? We do occasionally play some other Christian songs that still have a solid message, but we do try and keep to our Catholic roots. If there’s any suggestions for other artists please let us know. Thank you and God Bless! Rob
Hi i have written a song with my own (Ave Maria Blessed Blessed are you) you have heard that song (Mary did you know) this is a Catholic version. I want to share. it’s on you tube i am going to extended it soon please Share. Thank you composer Jeronimo Casas aka Jerry
Please send the link to music@catholicmusicexpress.com
Hi Richard.
I am writing from Brazil. I represent a Catholic radio station, with more than 1500 repeaters all over the country. I need to talk to you about using your play list in our network.
Best regards.
Hi there! I’m Mayela from Campeche, México and I’m so glad yo hace Godínez CME
I would love to be abel to get the lyrics of each and every song.
God bless all of you and your Work
It soul be also great if we colud buy our favourite songs with you
Richard, Even though I am a daily mass Catholic I balance my love for Christ in the Catholic Church and at XM radio where I programmed a very eclectic channel called “Fine Tuning” and played many Catholic songs and artists (Natalie MacMaster, Cheiftains and others sublimiley. Now with CME I balance my life with 30 years of experience but now with Multiple Sclerosis I cannot do much but will remember, worship and know He is with all of us. All we need to do is Love and Believer. Thank you CME. I am here now for you and I do have ideas and philosophies. God is Good.
Ben (XM 2001-2009)
Please pass this along to Ben Smith – Thanks
Rick here, an avid listener from your days at XM. I’m the one who asked you to find a studio version of Renaissance as your version had Annie Haslam’s voice breaking. Periodically I do a search for you hoping to find you have created a similar internet station to Fine Tuning. Pandora does an OK job but rarely adds new music. May you find the strength to fight MS.
Hi I’m Mayela from Mexico. I love your station and would like to know where can I find the lyrics of the music you play and also buy it. Thank you and may God bless you all and your work
I found this radio station today
We are blessed!
Me encanta esta pagina soy de Mexico vivo en San Diego CA. Be Bold. Be Catholic.
Love my Catholic faith.
Hello! I want to thank Rob Ayoub for taking over the Catholic Music Express and CME Radio – I’m glad he is taking it and helping it evolve into something that is helpful to the listeners and the artists. May God bless you and your ministries!
Love the new look! The concept and the Radio station! Thanks for your service!!
So grateful to have found CRE a few months ago!! I listen all day at work, at a Catholic Church.
Will you be returning to listing of the “Just Played” Artist/Song? That is a great method for identifying new artists and unfamiliar song titles.
Hi Lynn! Thanks so much for the comments and glad to hear that you’re listening. Yes, I will be adding the playlist and “Just played” portions back shortly. I’m also working to get iTunes links set up as well so that listeners can purchase tracks that they hear. Stay tuned!
Wonderful news! I’ll keep tuning in to see the latest changes. Thanks again for your service. So glad I’ve found you.
Added some new dropsci.GIANTS music as well as some new Ooberfuse. More new music is on the way!
Great, Jim! Thanks. How does a writer of Catholic songs submit tracks to CME radio? Do the songs have to be published at iTunes, CDBaby, etc.?
In case he hasn’t already, Rob will answer you questions. Just so you know I’m not ignoring you.
Great question Richard, soon as this page and others get fleshed out – I’ll make sure its more clear.
We have a web address music@catholicmusicexpress.com which is set aside for artists to send us music. I also have a plan to add a music submission page where artists can submit not just their album, but the link to purchase as well.
While we certainly want to promote artists who have music for sale on CDBaby or iTunes its not a requirement. We encourage artists to submit music that they want to share with the world – that being said we do listen for polished recordings.
Hope that helps!
Hi Jim,
I see CME is still going strong – great!
I’ve been busy with other things for a few years, but back now doing new Celtic Roots Radio podcast shows. Haven’t updated the station yet, but hope to very soon.
Keep up the good work – and Hi to Rob.
Slan agus beanneacht Dia!
Hi Raymond! Great to hear that you are back doing Celtic Roots. Please send a link over to music@catholicmusicexpress. I’d like to start following again!
Just added a new Monica Ursino song – “Final Order”.
Ooberfuse is awesome!
New Ceili Rain, from their new album “Hymns and Hers”
Added some new Fr. Stan Fortuna, from his new CD “Word World: Poetic Invasion”.
How do I submit music to you?
I have some great Catholic music!
Check out this link…
Just one of many songs I wrote both solo and with a Catholic music band! “Mother Teresa” by Steve Kibbe.
Hi Steven! Please send music links to music@catholicmusicexpress.com! I’m working on building a page to help automate submissions, but that should work for now!
WOOO HOOO I FOUND THIS STATION!! I was beginning to wonder if the only contempory Christian music available was Protestant..I am so glad this is available.. This is on my favorites at home and soon to be on my favorite list at work…Thanks for streaming…
We’ve got some great Advent and Christmas music playing now. Happy Thanksgiving!
Great! Thanks, Jim.
great music!!!makes my day and homework more enjoyable…thanks for streaming : )
Thanks Barbara! Glad you found us and feel free to spread the word!
I wish the CME podcast can be revived soon! Thanks and more power
I am a Catholic singer/songwriter/producer based in South Carolina and work with blues/roots/gospel artists here; would love to send you a compilation of faith-based/Catholic-based songs that I’ve written and recorded with some of them. Do you prefer mp3s (need email address then) or hard-copy CD (USPS address pls)? Thank you.
Hi Gary! Absolutely would love to hear it!! Please email me at music@catholicmusicexpress.com and if you can send some links we will start there.
Thank you!
Sorry folks – looks like the station went off the air. We are checking with the server host to find out what the problem is, and will get back online as soon as we can. Sorry for the inconvenience!
By the way, if you like sacred classical music, I have a new full-time station online now, the Classical Cafe for Christ. I used to host a podcast a few years back by the same name.
You can listen online here: http://www.live365.com/stations/classicalcafe4
God bless!
Jim, I posted a link to Classical Music Cafe at http://www.topcatholicsongs.com
Thank you, Richard!
It’s back online. Yeah!!
I apologize for that last song from Cardiac Move called “We Are”. I mistook this band for a Catholic band by the same name. The song had profanity in it. I deleted the song from the library, and you won’t have to hear it again. My apologies!
I have written some music also but I don’t have a band or a music writer to help with arrangements. That’s ok, if it’s God’s will He’ll make it happen! Thank you so much for putting this media together to give people a chance to express their love and faith by their God given talents.
Be assured of my prayers
Sr. Mary Katherine, Carmelite Sisters DCJ
Thank you, Sister, for your kind words. Our Catholic brothers and sisters don’t get many options for their music, so we are glad we can do this.
God bless!
Thank you so much for your comments. There are many people on this site that I believe would be happy to help you with your arrangements. We’re working on building out a new section to allow for collaboration as many people have expressed a need for help. I’ll be in touch soon. Thank you for your prayers!
I don’t know if you saw it, but our very own Cherrie Anderson and Hal St. John of “Ooberfuse” were featured on Fox News’ website for their new video, “We Are One”, focusing on the crisis with ISIS.
Thanks again for playing a couple of my songs from my album, Be Not Afraid, on this station. Has there been any movement on putting up links for buying music from the artists on CME radio?
I’d like to see buying links, too, Benjamin. Good suggestion.
Hi! I just found the radio and I’m so happy to listen to catholic music. I am from Costa Rica. Can you recommend to me some rock Catholic bands?
new Catholic songwriters from Northern California
Hello, CME.
I am Brazilian and just found the radio. I was researching radio outside Brazil to publicize the ECC website – Couples for Christ.
We have a wide range of musicians and bands Catholic in Brazil. Hey the links a few known:
I really enjoyed the radio programming, Congratulations and God bless this work !!!
Thank you for the suggestions of bands. I have added some of their music to the station. Thank you again!
I really enjoyed the radio programming, Congratulations and God bless this work !
I’m so excited to have found you today. I’ve been looking for a Catholic station for awhile. I shared a link to you on my facebook page. Thank you and May God bless and keep you going.
Glad you are all ears, Rita! Thank you for commenting.
have you thought of creating an APP?
Hi Rita,
We should have an app out early next year!!! Starting with Android first and then Apple.
I have uploaded some more Advent/Christmas music to the station. God bless!
New Listener as of this afternoon. Born March 12th, 1951 in Norwalk, Ohio. Am a Widower for over eight (8) years. I do not drive. With the exceptions of GOD, and my twelve (12) year old, female, Bassett Hound Sadie, I have NO Friends.
Welcome to our station and thank you for listening.
Saturday – December 12th, 2015
Hi CME Rob!
CME is helping me to not feel so Lonely, Isolated, and Lost.
hang in there….you are loved and prayed for….
My heart and prayers go out to you, GLD. I am glad the music is helpful. Hope you are doing well. God bless.
Keep on writing and chingugg away!
Hi LOVE the station! Finally…
Just wondering if you may have an App?
Thank you & all the Blessings of Our Lord continue for each of you & your families
Alicia Viteka
Hey there! I’m listening you in Brazil. I’m studying English and use your radio to train my listening. God bless you!
This is a great break from the hectic and toxic…
Thanks CME
Hello Jim & Rob,
I have been listening on and off. I really appreciate this website. I’ve promoted it in my parish bulletin and know some people have been listening in from Canada. I was reading the posts in case my question was already answered. I see that you are doing your best to have only Catholic artists. Is Newsboys a Catholic band? I do love their songs as I do have some of their albums.
Thanks & God bless you ministry.
Hi Father!
I really like Newsboys as well and saw them in concert years ago. I don’t know that they are Catholic, but our philosophy is to play Independent Catholic artists who are not signed. That does not mean we don’t ever play “mainstream” artists, but we try to limit it. I’ll check further.
Thank you and God bless,
Hi, how can I submit my new Catholic CD to CME?
Thank you!
Scott Goudeau
Hi Scott – send me an email at music@catholicmusicexpress.com with a couple of mp3s and we will get them into the rotation.
Thank you and God bless!
Hello CME Rob!
Congratulations on the great station!
How about submitting a link to TuneIn for a wider audience?…
Recently, sometimes, the site isn’t showing the musics names.
What’s happenig?!
Hello, listeners!
We are in the process at looking at a new service for CME Radio. I’ve been testing it, and it is looking good – we can do more with it. I know the player on here right now is not showing music. I’m hoping that the new service and the new player will be a great improvement. I am continuing to add new music as I can.
Thank you for listening, and God bless!
The newer server will allow us to create apps for you to use, too. We will keep you posted!
Good news! CME Radio is now available on TuneIn.com, and you can use that to access the station on an iPhone, Blackberry, and Android.
Here is the link: http://tunein.com/radio/CME-Radio-s289881/
This link is for the streaming of our newer station server. We hope to get it into this website very soon.
God bless!
Hey nice post. I hope it’s alright that I shared it on my
Twitter, if not, no issues just let me know and I’ll
remove it. Regardless keep up the great work.
The new player is online now! We are continuing to refine it and will continue to add more music to the playlist. This new service allows us to have a larger library of music to play for you. God bless, and enjoy!
I have shut down the old station server, so now our new station is the one to enjoy. God bless y’all!
We wish to honor the life and memory of our friend and fellow musician Christian Leonard who passed away in his sleep on July 7, 2017. Christian was part of “the Vigil Project”, whose music can be heard here on CME Radio.
Christian joined The Vigil Project playing drums and percussion for Series #2. While we feel the sorrow of this loss, we ask that you join us in hopeful prayers for Christian and his family.
“Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon him.”
A Gofundme has been set up to assist Christian’s family with his burial and funeral expenses. Prayerfully consider helping them. Click here to contribute: https://www.gofundme.com/christian-leonards-burial-expenses?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_content=http%3A//d31hzlhk6di2h5.cloudfront.net/20170721/4a/59/35/14/5cff0ee458b0d5b5b4ba2701_732x1100.jpg&utm_campaign=Christian%20Leonard%20-%20In%20Memory
Sorry, a programming “oops”. I meant the station to play all Christmas music, and it was playing none. Sorry about that. I have fixed it.
We are back online now. The station was offline for awhile – don’t know why. But we got it back on.
Hi Jim!
Not sure if you remember me, I was pretty active with CMA almost 10 years ago now…. glad to see youre still online. I have lots of new music! Let me know how I can get my music heard and how I connect!
Sincerely and musically yours in Christ,
Rose Augustine
Thank you Jesus for leading me to this site!
Loved the music. To all those who kept CME Radio alive, God will surely continue to bless and guide you…
Found the station on TuneIn radio when I needed to hear the true music of a heart in need. Thanks at 1:00 am I was tired and needed the love. God bless you in your efforts. May you continue to blossom and prosper.
I googled Best Catholic Music Station and found CME in February. You all play great Christian music that no one I know has heard of. My Facebook friends keep asking where I’m finding all these great songs I’m sharing from YouTube. Thanks CME!
i’m a catholic from L.A.
I just finished a full length musical based on the book of esther.
i’d love to get one of the songs out there for people to hear.
my website is landofthelivingsongs.com
I found this station a couple of days ago and I am totally loving it. Thank you so much for supporting Catholic artists! For a long time, I longed to find a site that would consolidate and promote contemporary Catholic music of quality for everyday listening. God bless you and your mission!
Lilybeth: You are welcome. So glad you found us and like it. Enjoy!
Hello! I have been working on the station and getting lots of new music online now, plus more classics. Hope you are enjoying it!
Hie enjoying your station.I am Catholic and a member of the English Choir from the St Theresa Cathedral found in the Gweru Diocese,in the Midlands Province of Zimbabwe Africa.I am Studying Honors in Music ,Business and Musicology and Technology music at the Midlands State University of Zimbabwe.I was doing my research then i bumped into your station.We still use the old hymns for
the English Mass celebration but we have remixed some hymns or we have added African instruments like Marimba ,Mbira,hosho,ngoma fused with the bass and acoustic guitars,keyboard/organ and kick drums.This has really livened up the Mass celebration on Sundays.Catholic foreigners who visit the Antelope Park or relatives of the S.M.B Priests who brought the gospel to our Fathers who have since retired from active duty and are staying at Driefontein Mission really feel that different touch when Glorifying the Lord.Is there a plan we can make ?
Hi! If you have recordings we would love to hear them! Please send them to music@catholicmusicexpress.com
Totally love your station … listen to it all day at work!!
Greetings to you,
I would submit my new song called OH HAIL MARY, for promotional purposes. I believe the song will touch the hearts of many people across the globe through your support.
I am Cleophas Wanyama a.k.a. Cleo Rhythm, a Gospel recording artist from Kenya. Below is the Youtube link of the video of the song.
Thank you in advance,
Thank you Cleophas!!! Can you please send the audio track to music@catholicmusicexpress.com
Hi Cleophas! Please send the audio track to music@catholicmusicexpress.com
Ironic, or something. I was listening to Divine Office.org and doing morning prayers when the thought of Catholic Music entered my mind. Searched and found CME. Normally I listen to all classics and this is a good change of pace. Thanks
Glad you found us!!
I’d like to find out more? I’d like to find out some additional information.
I’m from Peru. Thank you so much for the excellent music!!
Excellent! I’m from Peru. I love catholic music and I practice my English with the songs. Thank you so much! God bless you!
Hi-I’m a self produced Catholic songwriter and I’m shopping around a song I wrote -CHRISTMAS NIGHTS-to get some airplay.
can I send a cd?
Or-if you don’t do that , can you recommend stations that would?
Hi Guy – sorry for the delay. I answered another comment – but feel free to send to music@catholicmusicexpress.com. We will be changing over to Advent and Christmas music soon!
How would I submit a song for your station?
Hi Guy – Please send a link to tracks to music@catholicmusicexpress.com. We will do our best to get it into rotation.
I’m home from my job today due to a Snow Day (yay snow!), and am enjoying listening while working. Thank you for this service!
Glad you like it!
How do you submit music to the playlist? My music partner and I have recorded music that’s been released. We would love the opportunity to share.
Greetings in Christ!
In honour of the closing of the Year of St. Joseph, would you please kindly consider playing today this song my wife and I wrote to honour St. Joseph?
It’s called “I Stand in Silent Awe”.
Thank you very much!
To Jesus through Mary and Joseph,